Friday 1 February 2013


Hey hunnies!

You know what your scrolling through tumblr and you find the coolest things ever and you just accept that you will probably never own anything that cool, well now there is a way you can own it.

I introduce you to Wanelo!! (want need love)

I was just on twitter and some girls were talking about it and I thought I would check it out.  Simply sign up and you can search for a specific item (e.g iphone 5 cases) or just scroll through the trending products, when you see something really nice you can click on it and it will take you to where you can buy it.  Everything is so beautiful and trust me you will want to buy EVERYTHING.

The website is american and as i'm from the UK I have to check where the sellers post to but other than that it's pure awesomeness.

Let me know if you guys have used this site before and what you think :D



  1. How did I not know about this website?! Thanks for this, it's awesome :)

